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Aug 14, 2015
My dogs have fleas right now and they have them bad. They don't go anywhere near my chinchillas, but there are so many that I've even found them on my clothes temporarily. We're obviously treating the dogs, but I've noticed that my chinchillas McKinley and Copernicus are scratching and nipping at their fur a ton. I've heard that chinchillas can't get fleas? Is that true, or should I be legitimately concerned about them having fleas? Also, if it is possible, what do you even put on them? Surely a cat or dog dosage, even a small one, would be enough to poison the little guys?
Chins can get fleas, but normally only if the chin has bald spots, or lack of dust baths for a very long time. I've heard the dust baths help with fleas, maybe suffocates them? not sure. Also they can get fleas on their tails, and feet were the fur isn't as thick, otherwise a normal well cared for chin's fur is too thick for fleas to reach the skin and therefore feed, and feet a chin can easily bite/eat the fleas off I would think.

You could try running a flea comb though their fur and see if you come up with anything. Otherwise scratching and nipping the fur could simply be the result of changing weather, drier out heading into winter, so they need less baths. Too many baths when it's dry can cause dry itchy skin so check for dry/flaky skin. Don't use any cat or dog treatment on a chin, it would most likely kill it. The only treatment I think might work and be safe would be something like the anti-fungal bath on http://www.whimsys-menagerie.com/foodhealth.htm, it contains diatomaceous earth which is known to kill fleas but can cause dry skin issues (which will clear up once you stop using it).
Urm, the link above doesn't work anymore...
I have read an article here some time about treating fleas on cats and dogs (my pooch was badly infested three months ago) and I'm curious isn't there any herbal or essential oil shampoo for rodents? I've also heard that diatomaceous earth is unsafe for lungs.
Thanks in advance.