Help with bonding!

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New member
Apr 6, 2014
Hiya, I'm Debbie

I got my first hedgehog, Babumba, around a month ago now and he was 6 weeks when we brought him home!

He is quite quiet and shy, I have tried to start a routine of getting him out in the evening (I have to wake him up and get him out of his bed, he's never wondering around), however I don't feel as though he is going to bond much more than he has... Really hoping he will though!!

His cage is in the living room so I understand it may be too bright and noisy with the tv on for him to come out before I wake him.

Some days he is more confident than others, everytime I get him out he balls up and is reluctant to let me pick him up however I gently gain his trust and he will come out onto my hand with the help of his favourite foods!

He will usually eat his dinner, go to the toilet, then I'll handle him for around 30 mins to an hour. He doesn't really play but sometimes seems slightly distressed and digs and buries himself into my clothes. Other days like today he was very grumpy and didn't want to be handled at all, clambering away!

I am being very patient with him but wondered if anyone could give me any advise? He has been quilling but it seems to have nearly stopped this week so I was hoping he would be happier ?!

Thanks, look foward to hearing back!
So far it sounds like good normal hedgie behavior. Hedgehogs like to dig so he may have been looking for a hiding place or just having fun. Both of my hedgehogs never came out if the lights were on too.

A good thing to do is wear an old t-shirt for a while, maybe sleep in it so it will pick up your scent and put it in his cage so he will get used it. Make sure you check for loose thread before putting it in though.

Yummy favorite foods are always a good bonding tool!
Thanks for your reply! I'm glad you think this is normal... Do you think he will ever be confident to come out and sit on my calmly or let me stroke him? He doesn't really like me touching his quills!

I know he's only young, do you think as he gets older hel become calmer and more confident?


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He sounds like a normal hedgie to me too.

He may or may not choose to come out and sit on you if there's a shirt he can hide under. You can always choose to pet him under your shirt. Marlee is a bit like that. She'll let me hold her for awhile and pet her wherever (she truly is remarkable in that she'll let me touch her head & visor quills without huffing or pulling away), but she has a strong preference for snuggling under my shirt. So, after a little bit of checking her out and giving her kisses, I let her under to snuggle and snooze. Sometimes, I'll stroke her quills when she's under there. She'll give me a *huff* or two when I disturb her happy snuggle spot, then settles back down.

Satin was sort of like that too. She was fine with playing out for a while (longer than Marlee), but then pawed at the edge of my shirt to snuggle. And I'd oblige and let her settle down on my belly. She also like to snuggle in the crook of my arm.

Texie seemed to like being out in the open and I held him in my hand. He was such a goof too. He'd fall asleep on one side, roll a bit, keep sleeping, roll a bit more. He'd end up in funny positions.

Bella is tense and snuggles just barely for a few minutes and announces she is done. She does NOT like to be under shirts. She hates anything touching her back. Whether it's me, a shirt, her own blankie... hates, hates, hates it! So she has her igloo and a hat to go under. She can hide with nothing touching her. So opposite of Satin who would wedge herself into tight spots. I called her my "wedgehog" sometimes.

Taken together, I doubt that, once under he's your shirt, that he'll come out on his own. But, over time, you may be able to extend the time between picking him up and him going under for a snuggle. Make a nice, comfy, happy experience for him.

Another thing to consider is you mentioned he's young. Young hedgies go through a phase where they lose their baby quills and grow in adult quills. When that happens, they can be extra grumpy. Imagine what it must feel like to grow in big-boy quills all over your back and head. Ouch! And, let's see, you said you got him at 6 weeks and it's been about a month, quilling often happens around 8-12 weeks... ah ha! I'm thinking that might be factoring into what's going on with him. How's his skin looking to you? Any dryness or irritation? How about his quills - baby and big-boy sizes mixed together?

If he's quilling, I'd lay off of petting him over the sensitive quilly areas. But keep scooping him up, holding him, and snuggling with him. See if he like chin rubs or belly rubs (though... he's a boy... stay away from the "happy zone")... so more of a chest rub.

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