Blackberry vine?

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Animal Lover <3
Jun 30, 2012
Albany, Oregon
I was wondering if prepared blackberry vine is okay? I mean obviously there's the issue of the thorns but if I could find a way to take them off and prepare it would it be safe? No pesticides or anything of that nature.
Yes, I know people who have prepared blackberry vines, the same way wood is prepared, and said their chins loved it. I have a huge amount of property covered in blackberries, but have yet to prepare any myself. I'm not sure why! LOL
Blackberry is safe, one of my boys loves it the other not so much, he'll chew it if it's part of a hanging toy but not as a stick handed to him. :hmm: Just remove the thorns and process like any other wood. :thumbsup: I bought mine off Chinchilla Park Place so I didn't process it myself, but I'm sure thorn removal would be a pain.
My husband processes blackberry vine for the boys but they like pear and apple better. He makes sure all wood is organic and processing takes a lot of time but he likes to do it.
Wow. That's great to know about the blackberry vines. Just planted one in our yard and will add that to the chew toys going forward. Lola loves prepared dogwood.

We have quite a few raspberry bushes in our yard. Are those ok too?