Ceramic Heat Emitter Odor?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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While running my new heater yesterday, I kept noticing a slight smell from it. I kept checking the heater and the cage, and everything looked fine. Has anyone else noticed a little odor with their ceramic heat emitter? I don't know if something is wrong...? My mom has got me paranoid about a fire, so I just want to make sure everything is okay.
I bet it's okay. Sometimes heating elements, when they are new, will emit an odor for a day or two. Must be some factory chemical remnant left on it. The smell should go away in a day or two.
Did you make sure you bought the correct fixture for the ceramic emitter? You can't just put them in a normal fixture; it needs to be one made for ceramic bulbs.
Yes it's normal at first. As long as you have a heat emitter rated fixture and there are no combustibles near it, you are fine. :)
Yeah, the box for the fixture says that it is for ceramic heat emitters, so I guess it's okay. Good to know that the smell is normal :) Thanks everyone!