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Sep 6, 2011
I'm compiling a list of do's and don'ts for nutrition to keep on my fridge since I've never had a hedgie before and they can have such a wide variety of things but not everything. In one spot on this site (under one of the three things to know, or whatever it was called) said it is OK to give yogurt and cottage cheese, but I believe it was in the health area it says that hedgies are lactose intolerant and should have no dairy.
Just wondering if yogurt and cottage cheese is OK or not.
These items can be given in moderation. These two are the two dairy items that seem to be better tolerated. I do give cottage cheese occasionally, but I give it in smaller amounts and less frequently than I will offer yogurt.

Cottage cheese I would limit not only the frequency but I would give it in tiny amounts. If you give too much you will cause the GI to get upset and will end up with either a green stool or a loose one.

Yogurt is kinda special if you buy a variety with a lot of live bacterial cultures in it. It can help settle an upset GI. But honestly I would go with a probiotic supplement instead of offering yogurt as its a faster and easier way to get the bacteria in them.

I don't feed either of these items as a regular part of my hedgehogs' diets. I will offer them a taste of these items if I'm eating them and I have a hedgehog out. There are better food items for them to eat.