I need advice

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
May 7, 2013
L.A area
We have inspections by the government workers who run the apartments, every year. Before all that we'll have a couple inspections by the regular managers. Well, I realized having a chin is not very easy to clean. Theres poopy everywhere most of the time. I have to clean every day if I want it to stay clean. And when I clean, he comes out that same night and makes a mess all over again. Sometimes I don't let him out after I clean and it makes both of us feel bad. His cage is pretty big, and hard to hide as well. I threw a cover over it during last inspection, and luckily they didn't notice. The regular manager saw that it was a cage but he's really nice so didn't say anything. All this has me worried. In the past I've only had hamsters so they're easy to hide. But now that I got a taste of a larger and smarter pet I realize they weren't as rewarding. I love my chin and like I've described in another thread I think he's already kind of bonded to me after 7 months together. However, sometimes I wonder if I should rehome him and get a easier to maintain pet like a hedgehog.
Please correct me if I'm wrong but with a hedgehog, they don't need to roam my room right? I'm thinking I could have one in a 2x2 storage grid cage which I can just collapse or put things into during inspection, and keep the hedgehog in a bonding pouch on me until they're gone?
I feel horrible for considering this, and I keep giving it much thought as well as discussing it with my family. Given my situation, should I rehome my chin to a good home and try my luck with a hedgehog instead?
My concern is being able to hide evidence of the pet, it being easy to clean and care for, and also it being rewarding. My chin isn't the most cuddly but I know he loves me. I'm afraid of getting a pet that's ideal for my situation but isn't going to be friendly. I'm content if the hedge will just sit on my lap or cuddle. In fact, I'd prefer it because my boy only stays for a bit then it's go go go.
So please, I'd really like advice.
Thank you so much guys, and I do hope you dont get the wrong idea about me.
I can't speak for the chin parts, but here is what I can tell you about hedgies.

2x2 is a little small considering all the supplies, so it should really be 3x2, 3x3, 4x2 etc. All they need to thrive is a wheel, hut or two, foodxwater, and toys. They can only have 1 level floor so that makes it easier to hide. You could hide everything but the wheel in your dresser or something. The wheel, if you get the CWS, Which is the best, it might be a little harder to hide but I'm sure you will find a way.

Over the period you own your hedgehog, you will feel the need to buy a playpen, more toys, etc. But those are not a must.

I didn't mention the heat lamps, but If you read about them you will find out more info.

Some hedgies are snugglers, or adventures, or plain escapes artist. It all depend on the
your hedgehog. I got mine, Pompeii, this Tuesday and he is, by far, an adventurer. He will only snuggle if I picked him up while he was sleeping. But snugglers could snuggle for hours on end, or only 1-3 minutes. Like I said, all depends on the hedgehog.

I think the best way to 'hide' him is to put him in his carrier, with some blankets, and then put him somewhere really warm. It is not the best to hide a hedgehog in your pouch because most will think, 'Ohh, what's out there? I must get out!'

Poop wise, the only issue is the wheel each day. Because when they run, they poop and poop so their wheels get messy, Really messy. All you have to do is clan that each morning, the fleece-easiest cage liner-once a week and your done! Some, I have to say, will poop on you, others do not. The ones who poop on you may or may not grow out of it. Pompeii was potty trained the day I got him, so that was a relief. Most hedgies are very neat, they will only poop in one corner. The easiest is to put a pan under the wheels so when they poop, its goes in the pan below.

All in all, they are great pets that are a blast to own!
They probably mean 2 grids not 2' which is plenty big enough at 5sq ft. Even 2x2' is considered big enough since that's 4 sq ft but that is the minimum suggested on the forums. USDA only requires 2 sq ft but that doesn't fit a wheel, dishes, and hiding place. We don't use houses. We throw a piece of fleece or tshirt down on top of the fleece liner and they burrow in that. They prefer it over houses with open doorways or thin material to let light in anyway. The ones set up like that are my least likely to liner dive. You can also buy hedgie bags which make it very easy to remove them from the cage when they are asleep and put them somewhere. Most will continue sleeping in their hedgie bag after being moved during the day. You just need a small storage container with a few holes or a fabric carrier to set it in just in case they do stick their nose out. Everything can then be thrown in the washer one to two times a week.

Hedgehogs can use chinchilla wheels. Otherwise there are various brands of bucket wheels and instructions to make your own. The carollina storm wheels are just the most popular and come with a convenient wheel pan.

You need a heating system unless you like your house in the mid to high 70s year round.

Very few hedgehogs are friendly and will sit still in your lap. Most of our less active hedgehogs are also the first to get huffy and act antisocial. All our most friendly ones want to be going somewhere. They are slower than chins so you can just keep turning them around. They also like to hide so if you lay out a blanket and put them under it they will often stay under or near the area it covers. Sunnoo is content to run next to and on me under a blanket until she falls asleep on my leg or my feet. I haven't tried Jiga yet who is also one of our friendliest because he's still young and young hedgehogs poop everywhere. I don't want to cover the furniture in towels all the time to let him out. I just hold him in the hedgehog room while feeding and watering everyone to keep him friendly until he matures. We also made a pen out of the mesh storage grids to let them exercise in. Aside from sunoo, jiga, and adisa though most just want to find somewhere to hide again if it's light out. Their schedule is not as convenient as a chinchillas especially in summer when they may not be ready to come out until after 9-10pm. Hedgehogs woken up during the day will often huff. They will also huff if they smell or hear strange things including a strange person. Keeping it on yourself during the day with movement and strangers around will probably result in a fair bit of unhappy popping movements and noisy huffing. Any friendly enough not to huff at being moved around during the day with strangers will want to come out and see what's going on.

I really don't suggest having pets where you aren't allowed to keep them. There's a risk the animal could be seized and put down or in the case of such exotic pets sent to a shelter that knows nothing about their needs to be adopted by someone who knows nothing about them. It's not a safe environment.
I really don't suggest having pets where you aren't allowed to keep them. There's a risk the animal could be seized and put down or in the case of such exotic pets sent to a shelter that knows nothing about their needs to be adopted by someone who knows nothing about them. It's not a safe environment.
Agreed. Hedgies do, indeed, bring much joy... and worry like any animal. As their caregiver, you need to look out for their best interests. Keeping them like they're fugitives from the law isn't going to work well in their favor. Consider going pet-less until you're in a different living environment.
Thanks for the info guys. Yes I did mean 2x2 in grids not feet. I'm still pondering about what to do.
I've always had pets here. Like I said, it's not so much the manager that minds but the supervisor that comes 1-2 times a year. I really don't want to go petless because I'm used to having a companion to care for, I'd be very sad without one. My chinchilla is very much my companion but it is hard to make it seem like there's no pets. His cage and poop are hard to hide.
What I mainly wanted opinions on was if it would be worth it to rehome my chinchilla in order to get a hedgehog? It would be easier for my situation (at least that's what I've gathered so far) but I don't know what to do.

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